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Show "pilot" - Trailer

The ART NEBULA Project - Season 1 (2018)

6 Toronto artists are pulled out of their usual orbit and launched into Blair's universe to compete live, while raising money to plant trees as part of the 10,000 Tree Challenge on

Each art challenge explores a new mixture of mediums and a special cosmos themed tableau to be the inspiration of the artist's creations. The artists have one hour to create their art, The winner is determined by votes from the live studio audience, and online viewers.


At the end of all 6 challenges, Blair and a special guest judge will review the overall body of work created by each artist during the series. Together, they will determine who's art nebula shined brightest and be crowned winner of the 1st annual Art Nebula Project! The winner will receive a 1 week solo exhibit at The Freedom Factory Art Gallery.



Watch Episode 1 - The Art Nebula Project
Watch Episode 4 - The Art Nebula Project
Watch Episode 2 - The Art Nebula Project
Watch Episode 5 - The Art Nebula Project
Watch Episode 3 - The Art Nebula Project
Watch Episode 6 - The Art Nebula Project
The Art Nebula Project | Group Photo
The Art Nebula Project | Group Photo
The Art Nebula Project | Group Photo


All my life, I’ve had this persistent feeling, this nagging voice in the back of my mind drawing me towards a higher purpose, and I have no clue what it is quite yet... save the world? Ha! I don't know... and I feel this so deeply that I can't explain, and so many wouldn't understand because most people don’t view the planet on a universal scale, outside of their own lives. I carry this feeling around of being unable to live up to these responsibilities and high expectations typically reserved for superheroes, but I know in all my heart I have to keep going after this feeling, or there is no purpose or meaning to my life.


This show is not just a show for me, it’s a real opportunity to put together everything I’ve worked towards my whole life into one neat little place on the internet: art, film, performance, helping others succeed, but most importantly, I’m able to bring people together, share my ideas and experiences, and inspire people to step outside their comfort zone and create art - and see the world - in new ways. People should be more conscious about how their small daily actions have much much larger consequences to the health and future of our planet.



I'd like to go back to the drawing board with a totally new format with open calls for artists to audition for the show in a series of quick art challenges in front of a panel of industry judges. During these 3 rounds of auditions, the judges will whittle down all the contestants, and determine who moves through to the live shows. There will be 12 artists this time, creating live, and each week one artist is going home, leaving us with one sole winner to take the crown.

I want this show to be an annual competition, and become a Canada wide opportunity for artists, and I aim to get the show on a TV station or online streaming service once it gains some momentum. As the show gets bigger, so will the prizes and opportunities available by participating in The Art Nebula Project. I want this to become the hottest art competition in town! The art industry needs a shaking up from the usual art exhibits and art battles. There’s nothing else like this on TV right now.



I care deeply about the health and safety of our planet, and I rarely view the world from the perspective of just my life, but all life on earth, and our universal effect on it, but what’s one guy to do? Besides maintaining as low of a carbon footprint as I can in my own daily life through my eating and lifestyle habits, recycling, upcycling, reusing, and reducing the amount of waste I produce, I decided to also dedicate this experimental pilot season to a charity that will help give back to the Earth as we so savagely continue to take much more than we need from it, often without regard for the long term consequences of our actions. With the help of the artists and all of you who came out tonight, together we are able to plant far more trees than I could afford on my own, so thank you very much for every dollar you give. You’re not only opening doors for these emerging artists, you’re helping make the planet a little greener. After all, trees are the shared universal lungs of all life on this planet of ours. Without them, life on earth could not exist any longer.


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